How can I add prospects to Trakstar Hire?

There are many steps in the process of finding the perfect candidates, and prospecting is often a part of this!

We all understand that candidates who are prospected do not always follow the same path as those who apply for a position directly. The new prospecting workflow feature eases this hiring pain!

What is it?

The prospecting workflow allows certain candidates to be added to the system and follow a different path through the hiring process.

Who has access?

The prospecting workflow has been rolled out to all users on our Pro Plans.

How do I use it?

The prospecting workflow is enabled per opening, from within the opening details.

  • Click " Openings " on the left bar of your Trakstar Hire screen

  • Click on the opening you'd like to edit this for:
  • The opening details will display. Choose the tab that says "CANDIDATE SOURCES" in between Job Details & Job Settings:

  • Scroll down until you see the "Prospecting" box. Here you can toggle the prospecting feature on and off:

  • Once enabled, you will be able to set up the stages of the prospecting hiring workflow to suit your needs. 

Note - you can come back to this page (by clicking "Manage" beside "Prospecting" from within the opening details) to edit this workflow later.

Once set up, candidates can be added to these stages, just as you're used to adding them to your current hiring workflow. You can add candidates to the prospecting workflow when they are added via the single or bulk upload , as well as via the chrome plugin

If a candidate completes the prospecting and is interested in your position, you can move them in to the hiring workflow (and back to prospecting) at any time.

Note: A candidate can only be moved back to the Prospecting Stages if they were moved to your Hiring Workflow from prospecting

You can also move them to the decisioned states from the Prospecting workflow. 

Note - If a candidate begins in the normal hiring workflow, they can not be moved to the prospecting hiring workflow, and it will not display as an option when viewing their profile.

What happens if I disable prospecting for an opening?

When disabled, candidates can no longer be added to the prospecting stages for that opening. The candidates currently in prospecting stages will remain in their respective stages.

What happens if I archive the opening?

Candidates are not able to be added to archived openings.

Where will I see the prospect candidates?

The prospect candidates will display on your candidate dashboard in its own tab:

How can I edit the decisioned states?

This can be edited by account Super Admin users under Company Settings > Reasons for Reject and other Decisioned States

What if I have more questions?

Feel free to reach out at any time - !

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