How can I print the candidate's profile?

Computer systems are fantastic, but sometimes you need a paper copy of the candidate's profile. Don't worry - we won't judge.

How do I print the candidate's profile?

Using the "Print" function in the candidate's profile will print the profile information but not the resume.

Here are the steps to print the candidate's profile:

  • Click on "Candidates" on the left bar of your Trakstar Hire screen.

  • Click on the name of the candidate you'd like to print the profile of

  • Click on the menu button (three dots) at the top right of the candidate profile, click "Print this Page," then complete the print dialog box to print the profile!

How do I print just the candidate's resume?

If you'd like to print the candidate's resumes, you can do this. Here are the steps:

  • Click on "Candidates" on the left bar of your Trakstar Hire screen.

  • Click on the name of the candidate you'd like to print the profile of

  • Scroll down to the resume viewing window. You'll see a printer icon in the right corner of the window. Click here and complete the print dialogue box to print the resume.

What other options do I have to share candidates with other users besides printing the profile?

Even better than printing the profiles is giving users access to view them in the system.

You can share profiles with your colleagues - even if they aren't users! Check out the Send for Review and Interview features.

Can I download candidate data?

Account Super Admin can also download candidate data via the "Candidates Report."

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